Ema /mother | Isa / father |
SC EE* Una Marine Klaudia | IC S* Possums`s Adonis |
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Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0%, 9 genertas. 0,707% Kassipoegade sugupuu / kittens bedigree |
18.12 2012
00.50 105g 01.05 111g 01.25 95g 02.45 106g 03.05 98g |
Kohtusid kord üks ilus Eesti Birma tüdruk Una Marine ja uhke Rootsi poiss Adonis. Nende armastusest sündis imeline Bellamy Le Boss(pesakond B), kes murdis paljude südamed. Maailm vajab selliseid imelisi kiisusi veel?!
Siin kohal on hea võimalus tänada Adonise kasvatajat ja omanikku, imelist ja head inimest Gullvi Sandini. Olen temalt väga palju õppinud, kuidas olla hea ja parem kasvataja, aretaja. Olen Gullvile väga tänulik!

Once met a beautiful Estonian Birman girl Una Marine and a proud Swedish boy Adonis.
Wonderful Bellamy Le Boss (litter B), who broke a lot of people’s hearts, was born from their love.
The world needs more kitties like that?!
At this point I would like to thank the breeder and owner of Adonis, a good and wonderful person, Gullvi Sandin. I have learned a lot from her, how to be a good and better breeder. I am very grateful to Gullvi!

Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Doreen Diamond |
SBI a | S | Uus omanik/new owner
Angelica Estonia, Tallinn |
Desiree Diamond |
SBI a | B/S | Uus omanik/new owner
Katriina Finland, Lohja |
Destin Diamond | SBI a | B | Uus omanik/new owner
Eda Estonia, Tartumaa |
Davet Diamond | SBI a | B/S | Uus omanik/new owner
Sanna Finland, Espoo |
Daryl Diamond | SBI a | S | Uus omanik/new owner
Kaspar Estonia, Türi |
Doreen Diamond (EE) EKL LO 6445 ID:981098104350648
Desiree Diamond (EE) EKL LO 6446 ID:981098104348348
Destin Diamond (EE) EKL LO 6447 ID:981098104347758
Davet Diamond (EE) EKL LO 6448 ID: 981098104350337
Daryl Diamond (EE) EKL LO 6449 ID:981098104348359
Õnne ja palju armastust teile!
Good luck and a lot of love to you!