Ema /mother | Isa / father |
SC, IC(WCF) NW EE* Cherie Angel St. Ifferini SBIa21 | S*Possum`s Bellman SBIa |
Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0,0%, 9 genertas. 0,319%Kassipoegade sugupuu / kittens bedigree | 25.08.20142.14 93g2.55 102g3.07 88g |
Kassimajal St.Ifferini on au esitleda, taaskord erilist pesakonda. Eriline, sest see on meie kasvanduse kolmas põlvakond. Esmakordselt saab emaks Cherie Angel. Meie ” Midsommar” kassipojad.
Cherie Angel on oma ema, Arista L`Amour St Ifferini ja vanema Una Marine Klaudia eeskujul, vaatamata oma noorele eale, saanud kätte kõrgeima, SC tiitli. Lisaks sellele omab ta auväärset tiitlit – National Winner. Oli ta 2013 aasta parim junior Eestis nii FIFe süsteemi Felix klubis kui ka WCF süsteemi Cato klubis. Felixis oli ta oma ema järel kolmandal kohal parimate emaste pingereas. Ei saa mainimata jätta, et mõlema puhul on tegu minu oma kasvandikega. 2014 aasta tulemused on veel ees.
Armastusest Rootsi ja austusest Rootsi kasvatajate vastu, langes meie valik seekord erilisele poisile Bossum`s Bellmanile. Kassipoegadel on huvitav ja eriline sugupuu. UK, USA, Itaalia, Belgia …. muidugi Rootsi, Soome ja Eesti.
Vaatamata, et Cherie Angel vanemad on läbinud vajalikud terviseuuringud, on sama teinud ka Cherie Angel ise. See muidugi ei ole eriline, vaid meie kasvandusele elemantaarne. Nii ka Bellman. Meie poolt on tehtud kõik, et kassipojad oleks lisaks ilule ka terved.
Tänan kõiki asjaosalisi, erilised tänud kallitele sõpradele Gullvi Sandin ja Ulrika Borg!
Cathouse St.Ifferini has the honor to represent once a again a very special litter. Special because it’s our cattery’s third generation. Cherie Angel will be mom first time. Our „Midsommar“ kittens.
Cherie Angel got, despite of her young age and as her own mother Arista L’Amour St Ifferini and grandmother Una Marine Klaudia, the highest title, title of SC. In addition, she owns honorable title – National Winner. She was the best junior 2013 in Estonia as in Felix club with FIFe system and in Cato club with WCF system. In Felix she was on the third place after her mother in the category of best female. I can’t leave out mentioning that both of them are from my cattery. The results of 2014 are still in front of us.
With love and honor for Sweden and it’s breeders, our choice was a special male Bossum’s Bellman. Kittens have interesting and special pedigree. UK, USA, Italy, Belgium… and of course Sweden, Finland and Estonia.
Cherie Angel’s parents have done all necessary health examinations, and the same has done Cherie Angel herself. This of course is not special, but elementary in our cattery. As well as in Bellman. We have done everything, so that our kittens are healthy besides of being just beautiful.
I thank all participants; special thanks go to my dear friends Gullvi Sandin and Ulrika Borg!
Cherie Angel and Possum`s Bellman
Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Gulla Star |
SBIa | P | Uus omanik/new owner IngaEstonia, Tallinn |
Gregory Star |
SBIa | P | Uus omanik/new owner LembitEstonia, Tallinn |
Greger Star |
SBIa | S | Uus omanik/new owner Merja, Minna, Johanna |
Finland, Tampere |
Gulla Star (EE) EKL LO 7192 ID: 978101081102109
Gregory Star (EE) EKL LO 7193 ID: 978101081102412
Greger Star (EE) EKL LO 7194 ID: 978101081102338