Ema /mother | Isa / father |
SC EE* Arista L`Amour St. Ifferini SBIn21 | GIC BE* Baie des Amours Vortigern Art SBIa |
Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0%, 9 genertas. 0,174%
Kassipoegade sugupuu / kittens bedigree 20.11.2015 112g, 121g, 111g |
Oli aasta 2011, kui ilmavalgust nägi kasvanduse esimene pesakond. Ainuke tüdruk, Arista L`Amour jäi loomulikult kasvandusse. Selleks ajaks olin oma arenguga nii kaugele jõudnud, et kui aretusega tegeleda, teha seda hästi. Nii südamega kui ka mõistusega. Nii jõudis kasvandusse samal aastal Belgiast Vortigern Art. Kahe noore esimesest armastusest nägi ilmavalgust Cherie Angel, kes on siiani nende kahe ainus järeltulija ja kes loomulikult jäi kasvandusse. Vahepeal on mõlemad andnud häid ja ilusaid kassipoegi. Nii on ka kasvandusse jäänud Aristalt Floria Fantasy ja Vortigernilt Hera Una. Usun, et paljud ootavad uusi Cherie Angeleid?! Kes lisaks kõrgemaile, SC tiitlile omab ka auväärset NW tiitlit.
K pesakond on kasvanduse C pesakonna kordus. Tehke tutvust C pesakonna infoga SIIN.
Ja just nii nagu esimene kord, veetsid kassid mesinädalaid romantiliselt minu maakodus.
Kassipoegade vanemad on läbinud terviseuuringud (FIV/FeLV, HCM/RCM, PKD) ja nende tervisega on kõik hästi.
It was year 2011 when the first litter was born. Only girl, Arista L’Amour stayed of course in cattery. By this time I had reached with my development so far that if I’m going to engage myself in breeding, then I do it well. Well with both – heart and mind. So the same year arrived to my cattery Vortigern Art from Belgium. From the first love of two youngsters was born Cherie Angel who stayed of course in cattery and she is so far the only offspring of those two. Meanwhile have both given good and beautiful kittens. In cattery stayed Floria Fantasy from Arista and Hera Una from Vortigern. I believe many are waiting for new Cherie Angels?! She owns in addition to SC title also honorable NW title.
Litter K is the repetition of cattery’s litter C. Take a look into litter C HERE.
And as the first time, the cats spent their romantic honeymoon at my country home.
Kittens’ parents have gone through health examinations (FIV/FeLV, HCM/RCM, and PKD) and they are healthy.
Nimi/name | Värv/color | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Klara Amor | SBIa21 | S | Uus omanik/new owner
Ulrika Tyresö, Sweden |
Kaira Amor |
SBIn | B | Uus omanik/new owner
Helen Koeru, Estonia |
Kiara Amor |
SBIn | B/P | Uus omanik/new owner
Elina Tallinn, Estonia |
Klara Amor (EE) EKL LO 7732 ID: 978101081461757
Kaira Amor (EE) EKL LO 7733 ID: 978101081463362
Kiara Amor (EE) EKL LO 7734 ID: 978101081463301