Ema /mother | Isa / father |
IC SE* Strandborgen`s Lara SBIa | IC EE* Lamond Hero St.Ifferini SBIb |
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Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0,0%, 9 genertas. 0,110% Kassipoegade sugupuu / kittens bedigree
18.01.2018 13.23 106g 14.26 104g
Iga pesakond on eriline. Mõni aga alati natuke erilisem kui teised. Esimest korda on pesakonna isaks oma kasvandik Lamond Hero St.Ifferini. Ja nagu ikka, ei saa me ilma Rootsita. Seekord aga on vastupidi, pesakonna emaks on kasvandusse kuuluv Rootsi tüdruk Stranborgen`s Lara.
Mõlemad kassid on sündinud märtsis 2016. Kui selgus, et oodatud tüdruk Rootsi kasvanduses on sündinud, sai kohe selgeks, et parimaks partneriks tulevikus oleks talle oma L pesakonna poiss. Seega uus pesakond on pikalt planeeritud ja väga oodatud.
Siin tänan imelist perekonda koostöö eest! Lamondi omanikke, perepoeg Karl Erik Märtsonit ja pereema Ulve Märtsonit. Selliseid kassipoja omanikke sooviks kindlasti iga kasvataja!
Pesakonna teeb eriliseks ka kindlasti see, et kohtuvad erinevad Austraalia liinid, siin väikesel Eestimaa pinnal. Sekka veel muid põnevaid maid .
Pean heaks tavaks, et ennem esimest pesakonda teha kassile CH tiitel. Noored alustasid koos näitusekarjääri veebruaris 2017.
Pesakonna sünni ajaks on aga mõlemal vanemal aga tiitliks IC
Nagu ikka, vaatamata sellele, et kasside vanematel ja vanavanematel on tehtud vajalikud terviseuuringud, alustab minu kasvanduses iga aretusse minev kass puhtalt lehelt. Nii tegid ka noored üheskoos kõik vajalikud tervise uuringud. Tulemused mõlemal –
Veregrupp A
FeLF/FIV negatiivne
HCM/RCM scan – normaalne
PKD negatiivne
Seega enda poolt oleme teinud kõik, et olla kindlad ja anda garantii, et sünnivad terved, tugevad ja tublid kassipojad.
Every litter is one of a kind. But sometimes some litters are even more special. For the first time is the litter’s father cattery’s own offspring Lamond Hero St. Ifferini. And as always, we can’t be without Sweden. But this time it’s the other way around – the mother in the cattery is Stranborgen’s Lara from Sweden.
Both cats are born in March 2016. When it became clear that there was born a long-waited girl in Swedish cattery, then I knew straight away that the best mating partner for her is a boy from L-litter. We have planned and waited for this new litter for a long time. Hereby I want to thank one wonderful family for the collaboration! Lamond’s owners, the mother and son, Karl Erik Märtson and Ulve Märtson. Every breeder wishes for that kind of new owners for their kittens.
This litter is also special because the pedigree lines from Australia meet on Estonian soil. Including some other interesting countries.
In my opinion, the best practice is to get a CH title for the cat before breeding. Both of them started their exhibition careers in February 2017.
But when the litter is born, both parents have already IC titles.
And of course, even though the parents and grandparents of both cats have gone through all the necessary health examinations, I do the same for every cat I start breeding. The youngsters did all their health checks together. The results for both are-
Blood type – A
FeLV/FIV – negative
HCM/RCM scan – normal
PKD – negative
So we have done everything to ensure and guarantee that the kittens are born healthy and strong.

Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Odelle LaLa |
SBIn | S | Uus omanik/new owner
Anneli Sindi, Pärnumaa
Odell LaLa |
SBIn | S | Uus omanik/new owner
Maire Tallinn
Odelle LaLa (EE) EKL LO 8857 ID: 978101081825518
Odell LaLa (EE) EKL LO 8858 ID: 978101081825080