Ema /mother | Isa / father |
GIC SE* Strandborgen`s Lara SBIa |
FR*Obélix du Clos des Mottes SBIc |
Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0,0%, 9 genertas. 0,0725%
27.04.2019 12.55 104g 13.19 90g (14.19 88g) 16.00 95g
Iga pesakond on eriline. Mõni aga jälle,natuke erilisem, kui teised. Esimest korda saab isaks kasvandusse Prantsusmaalt tulnud poiss Obélix. Emaks saab teist korda Rootsi tüdruk Lara. Tema oli ka O pesakonna ema, kus mõlemad kassipojad olid show kvaliteediga. Põnevust ja ootust jagub, lootused on suured!
Iga kasvataja eesmärk on, saada järjest paremaid ja ilusamaid, oma tõustandaridle vastavaid, kassipoegi. Püha birma kass on tugeva kehaehitusega, keskmisest suuremat kasvu. Obélix sai kavandusse valitud just seepärast, et Prantsusmaal on püha birma kassid veel õige suurusega. Seega loodan, et kasvanduse artustöö läheb jätkuvalt ülesmäge.
Püha birma kassid on võluva välimusega. Nähes Obélixi isa, armusin temasse kohe. Täna saan öelda, et iga päevaga aina enam, kasvab poeg isa sarnaseks.
Mõlema vanema sugupuu on ka see, mis vähemalt minule väga meeldib ja olgu öeldud, loomulikult ma loodan siit pesakonnast saada oma kasvandusse uut, kaunist ja head kassi.
Every litter is special. Some happen to be more special than the others. For the first time, Obélix, a boy in my litter from France is going to be a father. A second time mother is a Swedish girl Lara. She also was the mother of litter O, where both kittens were in show quality. Excitement is overwhelming and hopes are high.
It is the mission of every breeder to get each time better and prettier, more true to their breed kittens. Sacred Birman cat should have a strong build. Obelix was chosen for the litter because in France the Sacred Birman cats are still in their right size. Because of that I hope that the cattery is going to go up hill from here on.
Sacred Birmans are enchanting. When I saw Obelix’ father I fell in love immediately. Today I can say that the the son grows each day to become more like his father. Both parents have a family tree that I really like and let it be sayed that I absolutely hope to get from that litter a new cat that is beautiful and with good nature to my cattery.
Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Samuel La Musique |
SBI a | B/S |
Uus omanik/new owner Nele, Tallinn
Sebastian La Musique |
SBI a | B/P |
Uus omanik/new owner Anneli, Tallinn
Severin La Musique |
SBI a | B/P |
Uus omanik/new owner Aiveli, Võru vald |
Samuel Musique (EE)EKL LO 9338 ID:978101082611899
Sebastian Musique (EE)EKL LO 9339 ID:978101082612004
Severin Musique (EE)EKL LO 9340 ID:978101082612322