Ema /mother | Isa / father |
SC EE*Hera Una St.Ifferini SBIa21 |
CH FR*Obélix du Clos des Mottes SBIc |
Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0,195%, 9 genertas. 0,484% Kassipoegade sugupuu 12.07.2019 15.28 109g 16.40 95g 18.01 101g 18.28 107g |
Loomulikult on Hera ise mu kasvanduse kõige uhkem ja ilusam kass läbi ajaloo! Tõeline kuninganna ja diiva! Olles ise vist teadlik oma ilust, oskab ta end suurepäraselt külalistele esitleda ja loomulikult, kui juba diiva oled, võid endale ju lubada ka tujusi.
Obélixi saabudes kasvandusse, oli kohe teada, et just nende kahe järglast soovin ma endale järgmiseks kassiks kasvanduses. Minu soovi kinnitas ühel näitusel ka üks kohtunik, kus ma mõlema kassiga osalesin, et “need kaks annavad häid järglasi”. Hera olles suur ja tugev emane, Obélix samuti suur tugev isane, siis lootust ja selleks on kindlasti.
If I usually say a litter is special then of course it is that, but this time i can say that the litter was most waited! And that is for many reasons. Firstly, Hera has had a pause from giving birth for 2,5 years. Secondly, his last litters L and N have been magnificent! In both litters there were 4 kittens all in show and breeding quality.
Of course Hera is my breederys most vain and beautiful cat of all time. A real queen and a diva! Being aware of her own beauty she has an excellent way of presenting her self for the quests and ofcourse when one is a diva one can allow her self some moody days.
When Obélix arrived to the cattery I knew at the very moment that these are the cats whose kittens i want in my breedery. My wish was also enforced by a judge in a show where is was competing with both of my cats. The judge sayed that “these two would give excellent offsprings”. Hera being a big and strong female, Obélix also being a big and strong male then fingers crossed for big kittens.
Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Tiara Hera |
SBI c | S | Jääb kasvandusse/stays with us |
Trevon Heros |
SBI c | S/B |
Uus omanik/new owner Elari, Maardu |
Tristan Heros |
SBI c | S/B |
Uus omanik/new owner Kadi, Tallinn |
Twister Heros |
SBI a21 | S/B |
Uus omanik/new owner Kärolin, Tallinn |
Tiara Hera (EE)EKL LO 9449 ID: 978101082593469 Trevon Heros (EE)EKL LO 9450 ID: 978101082609993 Tristan Heros (EE)EKL LO 9451 ID: 978101082593084 Twister Heros (EE)EKL LO 9452 ID: 978101082609940