Ema /mother | Isa / father |
SC EE*Hera Una St.Ifferini SBIa21 |
CH FR*Obélix du Clos des Mottes SBIc |
Sugulusaretus / inbreeding : 6 generats. 0,195%, 9 genertas. 0,484% Kassipoegade sugupuu/ kittens pedigree 21.04.2020 20. … (20.04) 97gr 02.06 87gr 03.10 80gr 03.22 102gr 04.07 70gr |
See on Hera ja Obélixi ühine teine pesakond. Seega ei ole seekord vaja vanemaid kiita, vaid esitlen rõõmuga nende eelmise pesakonna poegi. Kasvandusse jäi ainus emane kassipoeg, Tiara Hera. Tiara on hea suurusega, imeilus kass! Ja mis kõige põhilisem, mul ei ole sellise imelise iseloomuga kassi varem kodus olnud!
Tema kolm venda, Trevon Heros, Tristan Heros ja Twister Heros on samuti sirgunud ilusateks poisteks, kes on oma perele suureks rõõmuks. Tundub, et see pesakond jääb Herale viimaseks. Nagu olen öelnud, on Hera kahtlemata kasvanduse ajaloo ilusmaiad kasse ja toon ka ainult ilusaid järglasi. Tõeline kuninganna. Seda ka oma tujudega. Soovi korral võib ta olla imeline kass, kes külalistele end näitab ja laseb end imetleda. Samas olles “tõeline naine oma tujudega”, mõeldes ainult poistest, teeb ta elu vahel üsna keeruliseks. Hera Una jätkas vääriliselt oma ema Una Marine teed ja usun, et Hera Una teed jätkab vääriliselt ka tema tütar Tiara Hera.
This is the second litter for Hera and Obélix. So no need to congratulate the parents but go straight to presenting the kittens. The only female was left in the breedery – Tiara Hera. Tiara is great size, absolutely gorgeous cat! And whats most important – with the most wonderful personality I have ever had in my home. Her three brothers: Trevon heros, Tristan Heros, Twister Heros, have also grown to be handsome boys and are being great wonder to their families. It seems it shall be the last litter for Hera. As I have said, Hera is most certainly the most beautiful cat in the history of my breedery and has only brought great offsprings to this world. A true Queen! That also with her moods. When she wished she can be the most wonderful cat who will show herself to the guests and lets them admire her. Also being a true woman with her moods by only thinking about boys which makes her life quite difficult sometimes. Hera Una continued with her head up high her mothers path and I do believe that the path shall be continued just has well by her daughter Tiara Hera
Nimi/name |
Värv/colour | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Wileen Marvel | SBI a |
Uus omanik/new owner Triin, Viimsi |
Wilette Marvel | SBI a21 | Eveli, Viimsi vald | |
Wilona Marvel | SBI c21 |
Uus omanik/new owner Anneli, Pärnumaa |
Walden Marvel | SBI a21 |
Uus omanik/new owner Eva, Põlva |
Nimi/name |
Värv/color | Kvaliteet/quality | Staatus/status |
Wilton Marvel | SBI c21 |
Uus omanik/new owner Eva, Põlva |
Wileen Marvel (EE) EKL LO 9674 ID: 978101082612651
Wilette Marvel (EE) EKL LO 9675 ID: 978101082593282
Wilona Marvel (EE) EKL LO 9676 ID: 978101082593283
Walden Marvel (EE) EKL LO 9677 ID: 978101082593791
Wilton Marvel (EE) EKL LO 9678 ID: 978101082593812